First Craft Sale Experience

We had our first craft sale at the Alcon Monster Bash (at my workplace). It was a nervous and exciting time but I was so happy to have my cousin Stacy and my parents with me. The whole week leading up to the craft sale was a whirlwind, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe the best things happen when you are in a bit of a whirl. :) Jocelyn and Hanson come to my home the week before (all the way from India!) with all the sleep sacks and loveys that they worked on for the past month, 3 days before the first sale!  They were in the US for a missions conference so it was great timing. Holly drove into Dallas the same day to meet all of us (and drove back the same day, she's a trooper). It was really fun time to see how God had brought all of us together to start Choti Hooks. We were only missing Grace Aunty.

The rest of the week was a blur, but by God's grace, all of the prep work got done before the sale like washing all the items, making tags and getting my very own square reader for credit card sales. Stacy was so sweet to come over Saturday morning and help me with last minute prep.

The best part of the day was when I got a text from Holly that she and the whole fam were coming that day to buy a car in DFW and could conveniently stop by before the event was over. It was such a surprise and so awesome to have Holly, Brian and the kiddos there with me for the sale.  

By the time Holly and Brian arrived we had already made a our first sale! The first item we sold was a sleep sack and the lady was gracious enough to let me take a picture with her (see below). We also sold a bunny and a lovey! It was just the confidence boost we needed to let us know that we are on the right track. Even getting the experience of setting up for a craft sale was a big plus without having the pressure of  large crowds.  All of this was God's providential care and I am so thankful to him for this.    I know these experiences would not have been possible without the prayers of many people. So please keep praying and we'll keep on crocheting!